I have a Bachelor of Arts in English from Barnard College, Columbia University in New York City. I am a Certified Psychoanalyst with a clinical doctorate (PsyD) in the theory and clinical practice of Psychoanalysis, from the Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis in Los Angeles, which is an intensive 4-year, post-professional program in Psychoanalysis. ICPLA is an APsaA-approved and ACPEinc-accredited institute. I received my Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology and Body Psychotherapy from Naropa University (2010). Because of my subspecialty in Body Psychotherapy, I have extensive experience and training in the use of techniques that exploit the brain/body interface to promote neurophysiological reorganization, greater affect tolerance and expression, and greater neuroplasticity.

My pre-masters clinical experience was fulfilled at Access Counseling, a low-fee clinic, which provided counseling to the Boulder/Denver community at large. My pre-masters fieldwork experience was conducted under the supervision of Linda Craighead, PhD, known for her work in the area of eating disorders, at La Luna Eating Disorder Treatment Center in Boulder, Colorado.

I completed my post-graduate clinical training and education at the Boulder Institute for Psychotherapy and Research, where I was a Fellow for 2 years (2012-2014). At BIPR, I received in depth training in trauma theory, neurobiology, play and attachment research, parent education, and extensive continuing education in the fields of traumatology, dissociation, and current relational theory in Contemporary Psychoanalysis. At BIPR’s clinic, I provided psychodynamic and trauma-informed psychotherapy services for families, children, adolescents, couples, and individuals as a clinical staff member of this community mental health clinic and training institute. EMDR was included in the trauma-informed treatment plans available to these clients.

I am dedicated to the study and practice of psychoanalysis, in addition to my practice of psychotherapy. Psychoanalysis offers the opportunity to know and relate to oneself and another in a manner facilitating a deeper and more expansive exploration of the unconscious, as well as a present-time working through of implicit and historical ways of experiencing the self, others, and the world. The higher frequency model and the titrated, subtly-attuned, and deeply relational approach of contemporary psychoanalysis is a treatment of choice for those of you who may be interested in an experience with more continuity and in an depth exploration of your selves.



  • I have finished both required levels of EMDR and am authorized to use EMDR for trauma resolution. I am also interested in the psychology of performance and EMDR.

  • I have taken all Somatic Experiencing (SE) and Self-Regulation Therapy (SRT) training seminars through the Advanced Levels and am authorized to use SE and SRT in the psychotherapeutic container.

  • I was a staff level facilitator and instructor for Somato Respiratory Integration (SRI) and am authorized to use SRI in the context of a wellness educational setting.



I am currently a member of the American Psychoanalytic Association, American Counseling Association, and the Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis in Los Angeles. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor #LPC.1003262 (State of Colorado).